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Discussie: Superman Returns

  1. #426


    Hihi, die Lex Luthor-botjes zijn grappig!
    Ook Franz Kafka laat zijn bandenspanning controleren op!

  2. #427


    Muziekfragmenten en achtergrondinformate over de soundtrack kun je hier vinden:

    Heerlijk om de Superman March weer te horen! 8)

  3. #428


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Frank
    Muziekfragmenten en achtergrondinformate over de soundtrack kun je hier vinden:

    Heerlijk om de Superman March weer te horen! 8)
    MACHTIG! Wat een fantastische herinterpretatie van thema's. Klinkt fris en vertrouwd maar ook totaal nieuw. Niet verwacht dat Ottman zo erg kont zou schoppen met deze soundtrack. De 2e sample, Memories, vind ik waanzinnig. De manier hoe het Leaving Home/Kent thema er in zit geeft me kippenvel tot diep in me bilnaad! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  4. #429


    Ik vind Rough Flight heel mooi!

    Betreffende deze cd:

    Zal deze overal op 27 juni te koop zijn of zullen wij weer langer moeten wachten hier in Belgie en Nederland?

    Spider-Steve, Vlaamse filmfreak!

  5. #430


    Oeh, die nieuwe trailer is tof.
    Lester Burnham is back! :wink: :P Kevin Spacey's rol ziet er briljant uit.
    Ik heb hier zin in!

  6. #431


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Spider-Steve
    Betreffende deze cd:

    Zal deze overal op 27 juni te koop zijn of zullen wij weer langer moeten wachten hier in Belgie en Nederland?

    Goede vraag. Filmmuziek is doorgaans zeer slecht verkrijgbaar in de Nederlandse winkels (een paar uitzonderingen daargelaten). Maar ik denk dat Superman Returns wel een titel is die de winkeliers interessant genoeg vinden om in hun assortiment op te nemen. Een releasedatum voor Nederland heb ik echter nog niet kunnen ontdekken.

    Hoe het in België zit weet ik niet.

  7. #432


    Kwam vandaag deze op het net tegen :P .

    What ?

  8. #433


    Superman Returns Final Running Time
    Source: Warner Bros. Pictures
    June 6, 2006

    Superhero Hype! has learned that the final running time for Warner Bros. Pictures' Superman Returns is 2 hours and 33 minutes with credits included. That's 153 minutes.

    Superman Returns, directed by Bryan Singer, hits conventional theaters, IMAX and IMAX 3D on June 28th, with screenings starting the night before on the 27th.

    It is rated PG-13 for some intense action violence.
    Architect: Denial is the most predictable of all human responses.

  9. #434


    Clipje van de spectaculaire vliegtuig-scene:
    Superman Returns

  10. #435


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Thomas 32PW9527
    Superman Returns Final Running Time
    Source: Warner Bros. Pictures
    June 6, 2006

    Superhero Hype! has learned that the final running time for Warner Bros. Pictures' Superman Returns is 2 hours and 33 minutes with credits included. That's 153 minutes.

    Superman Returns, directed by Bryan Singer, hits conventional theaters, IMAX and IMAX 3D on June 28th, with screenings starting the night before on the 27th.

    It is rated PG-13 for some intense action violence.
    das lang
    New: The Last Warning - MoC LE, Vampyr - MoC LE
    Coming ASAP: -

  11. #436


    Superman not that super, man?

    In LA is er een screening geweest van Superman Returns. Het algemene verdict klonk als 'Goed, maar niet echt geweldig'. Lex Luthor in de versie van Kevin Spacey zou een zwakke slechterik zijn en helemaal niet werken in deze film. En het gevaar waar het allemaal om draait zou bijzonder 'lame' zijn. Verder hebben ze het over het gebrek aan actie en teveel aandacht voor de love-story. Ik ben toch wel benieuwd of deze kritiek enigzins terecht is, eerlijk gezegd heb ik een goed oog in Spacey.

  12. #437


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door The Gr8oNe
    Kwam vandaag deze op het net tegen :P .

    Ik ben overtuigd, dit is een film die je moet gezien hebben!
    Ook Franz Kafka laat zijn bandenspanning controleren op!

  13. #438


    Een aantal buitenlandse reviews na een press screening;



    Bryan Singer’s highly-anticipated “Superman Returns” was finally unveiled for the press Thursday night in L.A. (the print was finished at Technicolor at 2:30 that afternoon) and Warner Bros. must have given a sigh of relief when they heard the genuine applause at the finish. What Singer’s done is a dandy trick: He’s honored the tradition of Superman as a quintessentially 20th-century American myth and simultaneously given the Man of Steel a home (cinematically) in the 21st century.

    Even better, Singer has transformed Superman, the alien from another planet with his extraordinary powers, into a majestic, awe-inspiring figure, not a kiddie comic book guy in tights. Like Apollo come to earth, like Atlas holding the world in the great Rockefeller Center sculpture, Bryan Singer’s Superman has a gravity that enobles this entire two-and-a-half hour picture. There is one dazzling sequence early on where Superman rescues a doomed airplane whose passenger list includes Lois Lane, his estranged true love. Singer of course couldn’t know that the sequence would echo the final moments of the horrifying 9/11 “United 93” but that it does – and that it has Superman for a happy ending – gives it perhaps a greater gravitas. Here is a fantasy that like Disney’s plaintive Oscar-winning wartime song, “When You Wish Upon a Star,” speaks directly to a need for healing from the brutal realities we face daily.

    How the public responds to “Superman Returns” when it opens at 10 PM on June 27th is anyone’s guess but Singer & Co. can be content knowing they’ve managed not only to resurrect an American icon but done it with smarts, grace and even poetry. It’s going to be hard for any superhero movie to beat the magisterial bearing Singer so emphatically summons as in one memorable shot Superman is seen suspended in space, his dusty-colored cape twirling, an ancient god come from the heavens. Fittingly, the film is dedicated “respectfully” to Christopher Reeve and Dana Reeve.

    Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird…it's a plane…no, wait, it's Bryan Singer walking on air because Superman Returns is brilliant! In his crowning achievement, Singer has brought the iconic superhero back to the big screen in a very big way.

    Brandon Routh stars as the Man of Steel along with Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane and Kevin Spacey as the menacing Lex Luthor. I was lucky enough to attend the screening Thursday night at the Bridge in Los Angeles. Talk about a ride. Superman has mysteriously disappeared for about 5 years and is returning to Earth, the planet he has grown to call home. We find him looking to find a place for himself in a society that has changed since his last visit.

    Going into this film my expectations were about average. I was excited but perhaps a little afraid of what I would see. Would they stay true to the mythos? Would Brandon Routh, a complete unknown, pull off such a larger than life character? Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane? All of my apprehensions were quickly swept away.

    Brandon Routh is Superman. Period. He seemed to embody the very fiber of Superman's being. He turned in a phenomenal performance and gave a fresh face to a well-known character. The rest of the cast was also fantastic. Kate Bosworth was quite worthy as the intelligent but feisty Lois Lane and Sam Huntington added a certain charm to the youthful Jimmy Olson. Not to be outdone, Kevin Spacey is amazing. His portrayal of the devious and evil Lex Luthor is priceless. He takes Luthor to another level adding a hint of madness Superman's power hungry nemesis.

    We were fortunate to follow up our screening of Superman Returns with a glimpse of the 3D version created for the IMAX theaters. This was truly amazing. Superman Returns: An IMAX 3D Experience will be the world's first live action feature to have selected segments converted from 2D into IMAX 3D. Watching the sequences it almost felt like a different film because you were watching it from a different angle. Really just amazing technology. Honestly, I loved this movie so much so we went back the next night to watch it again! Believe me, it's even better the second time!

    Stay tuned to the IESB for interviews with all the cast members plus director Bryan Singer and writers Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty. We will also post our complete movie review on June 27th!

    Superman Has Returned!

    On the night of Thursday, June 8th I attended a special press screening (and IMAX 3D preview) of "Superman Returns".

    Producer Chris Lee told us he came directly from Technicolor and we were technically the first audience to see the film.

    A far more in-depth review will be coming in the future, but for now here's what I can tell you.

    This movie is far greater than I could have ever anticipated, and I went in with extremely high expectations.

    The effects, of course, do not disappoint. Several of the sequences are vying for the "most amazing thing I've seen on screen... EVER" and I've yet to decide which one tops the others.

    But I didn't see many people questioning the effects, so on to larger issues. I am brimming with things I want to tell you. To reassure you about. To make you realize that this is really the Superman movie we've all been waiting before. But without details that will be hard to do. But perhaps my enthusiasm for what I've seen is coming through in this. At least, I hope it is.

    James Marsden? Made me care for a character I had no real reason to. Parker Posey? Steals all her scenes. Eva Marie Saint? Touching and amazing. Frank Langella? A truly fantastic Perry. Sam Huntington? Best Jimmy EVER. Kevin Spacey? Easily the most sinister Lex to ever be seen on screen. A delight to watch. Kate Bosworth? Remarkably deep, tough and opinionated, just as Lois should be.

    Brandon Routh?

    There is no longer any doubt.

    Brandon Routh IS Superman.

    Routh and Bosworth have fantastic chemistry. Honestly, not a single performance was anything less than fantastic.

    And the story? Well, that's what everyone wants to know, and the thing I can tell you the least about.

    I still feel it inside me, honestly. It touched me. It's brilliant.

    I hope this somehow does it justice, but I fear that I does not.

    I have been moved.

    I wish I could tell you more. I really do. I want to grab each and every one of you and make you understand how vital it is that you see this film. But perhaps my enthusiasm for what I've seen comes through in this.

    At least, I hope it does.

    Jeffrey Bridges

    Three things are apparent about Superman Returns: Three things are apparent about Superman Returns:
    1. Bryan Singer is on the fast track to being a legend.
    2. Kevin Spacey's only limitation is the very few projects he works on each year.
    3. Brandon Routh is... Clark Kent.

    Superman Returns picks up right after Superman 2, after a 5-6 year trip back to his destroyed home world of Krypton, and boy howdy have things changed when he gets back. In his absence Lois has gotten engaged, Clark Kent has supposedly been soul-searching around the world, and the world has just seemingly moved on, without him. The big question is: Does the world need a savior? The timely answer is one of the most gorgeous uses of special effects as Superman makes his grand entrance just in time to save a crashing plane. Now I don't want to give away too many of the goodies, but trust me: this film is loaded like an Easter Bunny that was planning on going on strike.

    If you have any misgivings about the castings, as I've already mentioned, Brandon and Kevin are unbelievably good so count on many chills going up and down your spine. Watching them is like watching the comic come to life. Bosworth cannot be over looked, in fact - given the reaction to Katie Holmes in Batman Begins - I could envision her being the biggest gamble in the audience's mind. You'll be happy to know that she pulls it off in spades. I never once saw her as anything other then Lois Lane, it is a career defining roll for her — now she'll always be Lois. The rest of the cast did well especially Sam Huntington who plays Jimmy Olsen, he knocks that performace out of the ballpark.

    Lastly, Superman Returns is coming to IMAX and I have got to tell you: bring an extra pair of shorts. It's not just good. It's not even great. It's spectacular! It will BLOW YOUR MIND! Whatever technique IMAX does to the film is just jaw dropping; Superman saving a crashing plane honestly feels like he's in the room with you. It'll be 20 minutes of the film that is converted to IMAX and I think I want to see it like 20 times. I'll see y'all in line at the IMAX theater! What a great way to start the summer! A triumphant Return!

    Hard to believe it’s been 23 years since the last Superman movie graced theaters! Fans of the beloved superhero have gotten their fix with The WB’s Smallville these past five years, but what a thrill to see him on the silver screen again.

    This time, the Man of Steel is played by 26-year-old Brandon Routh, an Iowa native who bears a striking resemblance to Christopher Reeve, who first donned the famed blue tights for the big screen in 1978’s Superman.

    This movie, helmed by director Bryan Singer, picks up with Superman returning to Earth after a long absence. And what a return! I won’t give away too much, but let’s just say it involves a Mission Control space flight, a jet airliner, and a baseball stadium.

    The story continues with Superman going about his business of saving the world — rescuing mountain climbers, putting out fires, stopping a bank robbery — intertwined with bits and pieces of Clark Kent and Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth), who has a child now and is in a relationship. The reporter has apparently moved on with her life.

    Or…has she? Sure, she’s quick to tell Superman, “The world doesn’t need a savior, and neither do I.” But when her boss, Perry White (Frank Langella), forces her to give Superman an interview for the Daily Planet, it’s clear that she still has feelings for him. Some of their scenes together are really touching and magical.

    Meanwhile, the world is dying to know where Superman has been. And his nemesis, Lex Luthor (played to the hilt by a bald Kevin Spacey), is still scheming to kill him once and for all so he can take over the world. Again, I don’t want to give away too much, but his evil plan involves kidnapping and, of course, Kryptonite.

    This movie is a big, fun blockbuster with just the right mix of thrills, special effects, romance, comedy and drama. Our hearts break when Superman laments that he once had Lois but doesn’t anymore, but we also relate to him on a human level (he is half-human, after all). Sometimes you lose love; sometimes you get it back.

    Brandon Routh is perfect in the role, playing Clark Kent as a clumsy, bumbling reporter and Superman as a strong and powerful hero. Spacey rocks the house as Lex, and Kate Bosworth makes you fall in love with her. Eva Marie Saint completely inhabits the role of Superman’s human mother, Martha Kent, and how cool to see archival footage of Marlon Brando as Jor-El!

    I have to admit, I was a little ticked off when I heard that director Bryan Singer nixed X-Men 3 to do Superman, but what can I say? It’s Superman. And the trade-off is well worth it. This movie rocks, and Singer renews our faith that maybe there’s a little Superman in all of us.

  14. #439


    Mooie kritieken alvast, ben benieuwd o_O
    Spleen, door Godfried Bomans
    Ik zit mij voor het vensterglas onnoem'lijk te vervelen. Ik wou dat ik twee hondjes was. Dan kon ik samen spelen.
    Mijn blog met filmbesprekingen
    Mercapto ergo sum - Ik zeik, dus ik ben...

  15. #440


    Hij is te zien op de Wilkinson American Movie Days (3-4 juli) in Antwerpen!
    Spleen, door Godfried Bomans
    Ik zit mij voor het vensterglas onnoem'lijk te vervelen. Ik wou dat ik twee hondjes was. Dan kon ik samen spelen.
    Mijn blog met filmbesprekingen
    Mercapto ergo sum - Ik zeik, dus ik ben...

  16. #441


    WOW Wat een lovende kritieken. HHA Ik - kan - niet - meer - wachten !!!!

  17. #442


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Dennoman
    Hij is te zien op de Wilkinson American Movie Days (3-4 juli) in Antwerpen!
    Klopt Dennoman! Weet je van mij hé?! Staat hier al ergens gepost op pagina 12 geloof ik.


    11 filmclips!!!!

    Het zijn allemaal verlengde clips van wat we zagen in de trailers en tv-spots.

    Ga ook eens naar! £Daar staan veel links naar interviews met Kevin, Brandon en Kate! Filmpjes zijn beschikbaar in WMV, You Tube en/of op de site van de zender!

    Spider-Steve, Vlaamse filmfreak!

  18. #443


    Voor alle Nederlanders en Belgen die Superman Returns in avant-premire willen zien. Hieronder de info die op enigste Belgische Superman Returns fansite staat:

    Laat in deze topic ( je naam achter als je er zeker van bent dat je ons vergezeld naar de Superman Returns Avant-Premiere in Metropolis te Antwerpen.

    Noteer gewoon even je (forum)naam + het aantal personen dat je meebrengt.


    Die topic word ZONDAGMIDDAG 12.00u GESLOTEN omdat onze "Freaky Yves" diezelfde namiddag nog onze plaatsen gaat bespreken.

    Wie nadien nog een zitje wenst te bemachtigen dient dit op eigen houtje te doen.


    Datum : 4 Juni 2006.
    Locatie: Metropolis, Antwerpen.
    Prijs : 7,50 €
    Tijdstip vertoning : 11.00 u (voormiddag)
    Tijdstip samenkomst van : 9.00 u "Hollywood Cafè", Metropolis complex.
    Betalen van je ticket(s) dient ter plaatse te gebeuren bij "Freaky Yves" of aan het loket (dit word nog bekeken).

    Gebruik die topic enkel om je naam en het aantal tickets door te geven.
    Voor een babbel of verdere info aangaande deze Avant-Premiere maak je best gebruik van onderstaande topic.

    Gunter R.
    Spider-Steve, Vlaamse filmfreak!

  19. #444


    Waarom zover weg?
    New: The Last Warning - MoC LE, Vampyr - MoC LE
    Coming ASAP: -

  20. #445


    Ver? Waar woont u? Nederland? België?

    Spider-Steve, Vlaamse filmfreak!

  21. #446


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Spider-Steve
    Ver? Waar woont u? Nederland? België?

    Nederland, in het zuiden. Zo`n 20/25 minuutjes van Genk vandaan.
    Hoop dat ze zo`n avant premiere ook doen in Kinepolis Hasselt
    New: The Last Warning - MoC LE, Vampyr - MoC LE
    Coming ASAP: -

  22. #447


    Neen, niet in Hasselt! Antwerpen, Gent, Brussel en Mons

    Ga naar !!!

    Spider-Steve, Vlaamse filmfreak!

  23. #448


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Spider-Steve
    Neen, niet in Hasselt! Antwerpen, Gent, Brussel en Mons

    Ga naar !!!

    New: The Last Warning - MoC LE, Vampyr - MoC LE
    Coming ASAP: -

  24. #449


    Steve, ik ga hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook mee! Ik moet vanmiddag even op het rooster kijken, of ik 4 juli vrij ben.
    LG OLED 55C8
    LG UBK90 4K bluray speler
    Denon AVR-X1400H receiver
    Playstation 4 Pro

  25. #450


    Leuk DanielC!

    Vergeet niet om dit te melden in de topic voor inschrijving want forumlid Freaky Yves die in Antwerpen woont gaat zondagnamiddag om de tickets!

    De topic:

    Voor deze topic moet je je niet registreren op het forum. Enkel invullen via die quickreply en een usersname invullen! (usersname: gebruik je usersname van het forum)

    Spider-Steve, Vlaamse filmfreak!

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